terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2016

Por que os EUA acreditam que a Rússia está 'hackeando' a eleição presidencial americana

Donald Trump e Hillary Clinton se cumprimentam ao final do debate na Washington University em St. Louis, Missouri, no domingo (9) (Foto: Reuters/Jim Young)
Amid the sex scandals that set the tone in the debate of the candidates for president of the United States, Monday, hackers stole the show for a few minutes.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump exchanged barbs about the accusation that virtual agents in the service of the Russian government were trying to influence the election of 8 November. During the weekend, the head of the main US intelligence service had accused the first step by Moscow intrusion - including haqueamento reports of electoral records in two states.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shake hands at the end of the debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, on Sunday (9) (Photo: Reuters / Jim Young)
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shake hands at the end of the debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, on Sunday (9) (Photo: Reuters / Jim Young)
The story began in May, when the National Committee of the Democratic Party suspected something wrong with your computer network and asked for an audit of an electronic security firm. The scan found two groups of hackers in the system, one already present for almost a year.
"We found that the network had been invaded and communications, as well as candidates profile (the US also have legislative elections next month) had been examined," he told BBC security chief CrowdStrike company and former FBI Director Shawn Henry .
"We believe that the Russian government is behind the operation and who is involved in a campaign to obtain intelligence against candidates."
aggressive attacks
But after the party and CrowdStrike to comment publicly, some of the material published on the Internet, which changed the focus of simple spying for what appears to be an influence operation.
Experts of intelligence in the West for some time have warned of this kind of activity linked to Russia. "We are seeing a more open and aggressive use of cyber attacks, where information becomes a weapon of influence," explains David Omand, former director of GCHQ, one of the UK's intelligence department.
On Friday, the head of the US Department of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said openly that the theft of information aimed to "interfere in the electoral process."
"These thefts not new to Moscow. The Russians have used similar techniques in Europe and Asia, for example, to influence public opinion there. Given the scope and the sensitivity of this information, we believe that only high-ranking government officials Russian could have authorized such activities, "Clapper said in a statement.
The Russian government rejects the allegations, which he called "senseless".
An additional concern of US officials is that the stolen information can be tampered with before Leaked - false data can be infiltrated among the genuine and can be disclosed without people have a chance to check them.
Some American states have reported intrusion attempts on your voter database, but intelligence officials refused to blame Moscow for them. Reported yet it would be very difficult for anyone to carry out electoral fraud because protection against cyber attacks and the decentralization of vote counting system.
But even the mere possibility of invasions may be enough to cause problems in an election year and that the presidential race is far from being simple.
"The only reason I see someone to do it is to try to sow doubts about the vote. If you are in a constituency that uses electronic voting machines and you know that the system has been hacked, you will really trust the result? I see a number of reasons why Russia would love to cause this kind of inconvenience to the US, "says David Omand.
cybernetic race
Russia is a pioneer in hybrid warfare techniques, as shown in recent conflicts in Georgia and Ukraine. the country's intelligence services also have a long history of "influence operations" since the Cold War. However, cyberspace offers new ways to pursue this agenda.
And experts are concerned about a cyber arms race when Americans respond to attacks. "We need a diplomatic discussion about what is acceptable or not. Or we will see an arms race in cyberspace that will not be good for anyone," says Shawn Henry.
Edição de Wagner Roberto 

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